Financial Support and Subsidy Policy

Here at SDC, we believe no child should be denied the right to participate in our programs because of financial difficulties. If any child wishes to join Building Bridges with Music or Education Through Creativity and is unable to afford the program fee, there are two ways that your family could receive support financially.  

Government Offered Subsidies:

The Canadian Government offers various benefits/subsidies to ensure all children are able to learn to their full potential, without the restrictions of finances. There are many subsidies offered with different eligibility requirements and an example of one of these is the Autism Funding benefit. 

Autism Funding 

  • Contact a local children and youth with special needs (CYSN) office to meet with a CYSN worker. Bring the following documents when meeting the CYSN worker:

    • Autism Funding Application for Autism Funding

    • Documentation of Autism Diagnosis

    • Proof that child is under age 18 (birth certificate) 

    • Current BC Services Card/Driver’s Licence

  • After signing the Autism Funding Agreement received by mail, parents/guardians will receive a letter outlining how much funding they are eligible to receive. This funding can then be used towards activities for the child, such as SDC offered programs!

  • For more information, check out

SDC Offered Subsidies:

A prominent project that SDC focuses on is fundraising for children with special needs. With the money we have fundraised, we are grateful to be able to provide two types of SDC subsidies for children wishing to participate in our programs but may require financial support. Participants are only eligible for the following two SDC subsidies if they do not receive government-based disability subsidies. The two types of subsidies that SDC is offering are:

SDC Subsidy

This SDC subsidy is one that any participant with any type of disability can qualify for. This subsidy is directly applied to our program fee of $130/8 sessions, and the only requirement that follows is that every form on the registration form is filled out. These forms include:

  • Registration Form

  • Emergency and Health Form

  • Waiver and Consent Form

  • Media Release Form

These forms are required for participation in our programs so that we could provide the most adapted and safe environment for all children. With all this information provided, SDC is better able to provide an enjoyable, educational and memorable experience for all participants.

Therefore, we ask participants wishing to receive the SDC subsidy to sign all four forms, and that all participants who do not want to sign the photo release form to pay the original price of the program, which will be $130/8 sessions. Once this SDC subsidy is applied, the new program price will be $80/8 sessions.

Low-Income Subsidy

The low-income subsidy is a subsidy in which low-income families can apply for if they meet the eligibility criteria. The eligibility for this low-income subsidy is as follows:

  1. Cannot use any government-based disability funding

  2. Has annual income of less or equal to

    1. Single parent with child: $18,166

    2. Two parents with child: $22,109

The Low-Income Subsidy will cover for $80 of the total program fee. By applying to both the SDC Subsidy and the Low-Income Subsidy, participants will be able to be able to be subsidized for the entire program fee ($130/8 sessions).

Low-Income Subsidy Application

Participants are eligible for both SDC subsidies as long as they meet all the mentioned requirements. If you have any further questions regarding SDC subsidies or other financial options, please contact

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