Youth Team
The Youth Team is comprised of the Office of the President and Headquarters.
Headquarters (HQ) maintains day-to-day operations within SDC’s distinct programs and events.
Hyungmin Lee
EA to Chief of Staff
Chelsea Cheung
Operations Associate
Megan Zhang
Marketing Associate
Adit Vij
Finance Associate
Vanessa Chen
Finance Associate
Amy Guan
Marketing Associate
Carrie Ding
Marketing Associate
Jocelyn Dam
Executive Assistant to the President
Office of the President
The Office of the President (OOP) branches out to coordinate innovative projects and events, such as collaborations with companies, charities, and more.
Leon Yu
EA to Deputy Chief of Staff
Chantal Lee
Operations Associate
Eva Zeng
Operations Associate
Karen Ching
Marketing Associate
Micah Mei
EA to Deputy Chief of Staff
Joy Hsu
Operations Associate
Hajin Jeong
Finance Associate
Ken Wang
Finance Associate
Seattle Team
Yueyan Zhao
District Manager
Trushaa Ramanan
Chief Marketing Officer
Nuha Qadir
Chief Finance Officer